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What is General Knowledge Questions for NTS?
Pakistan National Testing Service – NTS is a Pakistani organization which conducts evaluation tests regarding academic performance. And often students would like to know about General Knowledge Questions for NTS . They do not need to be confused here as they have proper guidelines in this article.
It can be compared to the ETS (Educational Testing Service) within the United States. The NTS is providing a couple of key sorts of assessments, which are
- the NAT (National Aptitude Test)
- the GAT (Graduate Assessment).
The NAT is directed at students who wants to be admitted to Universities & Colleges, whilst GAT is directed at graduating students who are looking to be admitted to postgraduate education.
However, the NTS examinations are also designated for determining the qualifications of students who are aiming at advanced international studying.
Why is General Knowledge Questions for NTS Established?
The NTS was established for ensuring quality educational standards inside Pakistan as well as managing the following goals:
- Providing a national system which can be used for comparable evaluation between educational institutes.
- To consolidate examination boards resorting under one administrative association.
- Tests which were implemented before the NTS was developed, got a lot of criticism for not allowing socio-cultural differences. This led to a necessity for a testing service which called for a testing service designed and developed in an indigenous context.
- Distinguished Pakistani institutions such as the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (COMSATS) – CU University; BZU (Bahauddin Zakariya University); BUITEMS (Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences); CASE (Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering) as well as IUB (Islamia University of Bahawalpur), made it mandatory for students to pass the NTS tests before being admitted to these educational institutes.
Historic Information: General Knowledge Questions for NTS
In 2007, after the announcement that NTS testing was compulsory, controversy developed. The Governor of Punjab, Muhammad Danish, first initiated it for acquiring university admission.
The Pakistani government dismissed it at a later stage with the requirement that university admission laws must be amended.
The following Aspects Were Criticized
- The services were highly overpriced & to gain access to it was inconvenient for economically disadvantaged students.
- On 4 June, Maqbool requested the vice-chancellors of the public universities in Punjab for their input.
- During 2007 all universities were permitted to design its own admission requirements.
- Six out of 64 educational departments of the Punjab University had chosen to use the NTS service testing.
- During October 2007, Muhammad Arif Butt, Punjab University’s vice-chancellor, endorsed the utilization of the NTS testing service throughout each department of the university.
- Haroon Rasheed, NTS director declared that no educational centers will be associated with the NTS service examinations, whilst it will still stay in use.
Legal Education: General Knowledge Questions for NTS
During 2016, the Legal Practitioners & Bar Council Rules, 1976 which were applicable to admit new advocates into the provincial Bar-Councils, were amended.
According to the new set of rules, all applicants were required to both sit & pass the Law GAT (Law Graduate Assessment Test), which was supervised by the National Testing Service.
The NTS had aspired to design a nationwide Pakistani educational standard. However, the NTS did not cater for the regional diversity of Pakistan.
The NTS resources are not just geographically restricted, but are limited regarding its quantity and quality, as per Interface, a consultancy about education.
Its controversy, being an independent NGO may also be disputed, due to its affiliation with multiple regular Comsats testing centers as well as governmental / public educational institutions for admission / entrance examinations.
Recently some controversy of general operational misconception, regarding Phd. assessment testing unfolded, regarding the NTS’s irresponsibility & credibility. It is one of the most credible assessment institutes in Pakistan. We should not forget the standard or rules which are devised by NTS.
NTS Tests: General Knowledge Questions for NTS
The NTS testing service is divided into numerous categories which will depend on the groups of students who want to be admitted.
- NAT I – Consists of 3 sub categories
- NAT IE- students wanting to study for engineers
- NAT IM- students who want to become doctors
- NAT IA – Humanities / Art students
- NTS IE – Detailed Test Pattern
- NAT II – is categorized as follow:
- NAT IIA Social Sciences & Art Group
- NAT IIB non medical – biological group
- NAT IIM management group such as BBA
- NAT IIO oriental & Islamic Studies
- NAT IIP physical science
Summary of Some Multiple Choice Questions: General Knowledge Questions for NTS
All questions are multiple choice questions, whilst the correct answers are supplied, underneath a section of questions.
Examples of Featured MCQS Questions
How did the Muslims & Hindus react towards Bengal’s partition?
- Which region is recognized as the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’?
- The ‘Tashkent Declaration – Pakistan-India was signed on 10 January?
- The OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) was founded on?
- What does the abbreviation SAARC stands for?
- The number of countries which are members of the SAARC organization?
- Where is the SAARC’s headquarters?
- 22 April is internationally observed as?
- The Simla Agreement – India-Pakistan – was signed 2 July?
- Mount Everest,highest mountain worldwide, located along which country’s border?
- Which mountain is the second highest?
- Buddhism, the World’s 4th largest religion, originated in?
- The location of the Chimborazo mountain is in?
- The largest lake worldwide, is the?
- The world’s highest waterfalls is located in?
- Where is FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) headquarters located?
- Where is the Gobi Desert located?
- The largest freshwater lake in the world by its surface area is?
- The largest freshwater lake worldwide by volume is?
- In which country is Lake Baikal located in?
- In which year was the IOC (International Olympic Committee) founded?
- The IOC (International Olympic Committee) was founded by?
- The IOC (International Olympic Committee) 1st president was?
- Which years were the Olympic Games cancelled because of world wars?
- Where are kangaroos found?
- Where are Komodo dragons found?
- In which country is the Chapultepec Castle located?
- Which is the world’s largest desert?
- Which is the world’s largest cold desert?
- In which country is the Sahara desert?
- On which date was the United Nations founded?
- Which is the world’s oldest university?
- What is Indonesia’s currency?
- Where is NATO’s headquarters located?
- What is the United Nations’ motto?
- Where is the headquarters of the Red Cross located?
These questions represent a small portion of the general knowledge questions for NTS.
Below you can found a detailed example of question 1 as it appears on the NTS MCQS list.
- How did the Muslims & Hindus react towards Bengal’s partition?
A Whilst Muslims were happy, the Hindus were angry
B The Hindus were happy and the Muslims were angry
C Both the Hindus & Muslims were happy
D Both the Hindus & Muslims were angry
Correct Answer:
A Whilst Muslims were happy, the Hindus were angry
There are approximately 350 and more MCQs available on the general knowledge questions for NTS list.