In this article you can easily learn WhatsApp trick to hide conversation without deleting
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WhatsApp trick to hide conversation without deleting
In a really simple way you can archive WhatsApp conversations so that they are not visible to everyone. As soon as you receive a message it will be automatically unarchived.
So you can activate the new animated stickers for WhatsApp easily.
WhatsApp is the most used messaging application in the world. It is inevitable that all of us have a conversation on WhatsApp, whether individual or group, and often we prefer to keep hidden. It is usually normal for our mobile to remain active in gossip – at least, it shouldn’t – but, just in case, if it never hurts privacy then its best app.
Steps to follow to hide conversation in Whatsapp
One option, of course, is to delete the chat, but there is another possibility that allows you to hide conversations without deleting them. It is a tremendously simple system, for which you only have to follow these steps, both on iOS and Android:
- Long press the chat you want to hide.
- Click on the symbol to the left of the three dots, at the top right of the screen.
- As soon as you do, the chat will disappear. It will be archived.
When you send a message to that chat it will be automatically unarchived.
If you want it to be in view again, in the case of Android you should go to the end of the active chat list and, there, you will see a folder called ‘Archived’. Enter it and follow the same process as to archive it. On iPhone this folder is located above ‘Create group’ and ‘Broadcast lists’. You must click on the symbol to the left of the three dots
In short this post is going to help you in 12 ways:
- whatsapp trick to hide conversations
- whatsapp hide conversation android
- whatsapp trick to hide conversation between two friends
- whatsapp trick to hide conversation chat
- whatsapp trick to hide conversation call
- whatsapp trick to hide conversation dialogues
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- whatsapp trick to hide conversation english
- whatsapp trick to hide conversation email
- whatsapp trick to hide conversation facebook
How to know who has read the messages in a WhatsApp group?
Although WhatsApp is, by far, the most used messaging app in the world, it has some functions that not all users are aware of. We have already seen how to hide messages without deleting them and, now, we are going to explain how to know who has read the messages on a WhatsApp. The system, again, is really easy:
- Enter the group.
- Long press the message.
- Click on the three dots that appear in the upper right part of the screen.
- Enter ‘Info’.