Laptop scheme for matric students is given below. Now, the matric students will be able to avail the laptop scheme for matric students 2020.
- What is eligibility of Laptop scheme for matric students in 2020?
- How can matric students apply for Laptop scheme in Pakistan?
- laptop scheme for matric students 2020
- laptop scheme 2020 for matric students online registration form
- how to apply for laptop scheme for matric students
- laptop scheme for matric students’ batch
- laptop scheme 2020 for matric students last date
All the quires will be discussed here and sufficient information can be obtained through this. Student who have passed matriculation exam can apply for laptop scheme 2020-2021 and avail this big offer through laptop scheme 2020 for matric students’ online registration form.
Table of Contents
Gov. of Punjab Launched Laptop Scheme:
Government of Punjab every year launches the scheme of laptop for matric students. There is absolute merit system while distributing laptops among matric passed students. If you have cleared matric final exam and you are living in the province of Punjab, then you are good to go.
What is criteria for Laptop scheme for matric students?
If you have passed matric exam with 80% or more marks in your 1oth class or matric final exam, then you can apply for this scheme.
When a student passes Matric exam then he or she would like to study in a college which has at least following features:
- Excellent teachers.
- Conduct a great learning atmosphere.
- Rich library and well-equipped laboratory
- Excellence, endless research spirit.
- Do not forget about the purpose of college
Students need to get know-how about technology then must have easy internet access. For example, science students will be required to get extensive data from internet for the growth in their study life. We can understand it with an example, there is a topic on “human cell structure in body”. All students will prepare the lesson almost in same way. Because normally, students listen their teachers and study books or notes then they prepare the lessons.
Some students are really sharp they also practice in same way, but additionally they keep on research latest information regarding their subject on internet. Ultimately they come up with advanced level of headings and paragraphs. When examiner or checker compare the papers then a different unique and better version come in front of eyes.
This absolutely goes in favor of student. Teacher things there has been extensive preparation for a given topic. Consequently, such students outrank their class fellows. That’s basic concept behind Laptop scheme for matric students.
Objectives of Laptop scheme for matric students:
The goals are very clear; the government aims to promote use of information technology among teenagers. Now, almost each matric student has smart phone in his or her hand. But if they are given laptop along with proper guidelines and admitted benefits of using laptops for study purpose then extra ordinary results would be achieved.
Just fill the online form of laptop scheme for matric students and submit it online. Each student must fill it with proper attention especially, white writing name. because a student first and last name must match with the documented name. ID card number of guardian and address must also reflect the original. The contact numbers should be active so that you can get intimation about approval, submission or rejection alert in time.