4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren

4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren


What is education going to be in next 10-15 years for our kids? Details of 4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren here. Scientists and sociologists have different views of the future of the educational system, but they all agree on one thing – it is actively transforming in the very near future. In 10-12 years, the traditional education model will become part of history. And what will come to replace it? Let’s figure it out.

4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren

1.”Remote control” system in education

The development of information technology allows already now to completely switch to distance learning module. However, society is not ready for this – many questions remain unanswered, such as “who will look after the children while they are at home?”, “Who will feed them and provide leisure and rest”. However, apparently, it is only a matter of time.

Within a few years, education can completely go online and never return to the traditional model.

2. Is school a second home for kids?

This concept contradicts the first and is an alternative scenario. Now children are more and more engaged in electives, go to additional classes, gather in circles and communities.

Part of the parents’ responsibilities are being transferred to such small communities, which may soon take over children all the time. Parents normally go about their business all day and meet their kids only in the evening, before bedtime. Children will become less dependent on their parents and gain more independence.

3. More propaganda

Schools and universities have at all times been using rules and agenda from respective governments to implant ideas of state policy. But with the advent of the Internet and social networks, the state began to lose this thread and now colleges or universities are just for the sake of completing the syllabus.

4.There will be no school

The popularity of extracurricular activities (optional) in universities and schools will only grow. Soon, students will choose their own subjects to study, and each will have an individual set. There won’t be two guys with the same knowledge.

Children will be released from school based on the total number of points scored. Under the same system, they will be admitted to universities, where training will also become optional. By the way, in some countries of Europe and the USA this is already practiced: students attend only those lectures that they considered necessary.

They get options to choose where to study either at home or at college. The advancement in technology is also changing shape of teaching methods. As we saw Corona all the traditional concept of teaching at class room in front of children was changed. There will not be any obstacle of weather or place if whole of the education adopts such style.

Read more: What is Evaluation in Education?

4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren
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4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren
What is education going to be in next 10-15 years for our kids? Details of 4 scary scenarios of future education for our grandchildren here.
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